Jun 20Liked by Amy Chin

What a powerful piece. I was floored by how many times I had to answer “do you have kids?” while going through infertility and post loss (mine was a miscarriage.) it’s just one of those mindless questions we ask that can be so hard to answer for some people.

I remember that right after I told a close friend about losing the baby, she responded, “just remember that you’re parents now.” Somehow that really helped me feel less alone even in my grief. You are a mom and you have a son — even though he’s no longer with you, he’s yours and always will be.

Thank you for the reminder to choose our words carefully. You’re right — they do matter!

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Those easy moments of easy connection are difficult to mourn. I have always tried to be considerate of some of the hard differences that make break us in unique ways, to be the broken one that people have to navigate is still a novel burden.

I am so sorry for your loss Emily. You are a mother too. You have made and lost life too. Some of the most genuine kindness I have been shown has been from my women who miscarried or struggled with fertility. There are not many who understand what it means to mother without a child, but the women who want so badly to bring babies into this world know it in their very own painful way. I wish it wasn’t true, constant pain that helped them find such genuine care for me and my son.

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Jun 20Liked by Amy Chin

Once a mom, always a mom 🩵 Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your world right now.

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Such a hard question. Sometimes, with people I’m unlikely to meet again, I lean into the fantasy. Yes... it’s chaotic, my (now would be) toddler running around.... I wish ❤️

Thank you for sharing so honestly and your pictures of Han - so sweet.

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